If you’ve recently moved to a new city and noticed that you’re now sneezing or sniffling much more than before, you might have a pollen allergy. Different trees, plants and grasses grow in different areas of the country, and while you may not have been allergic to the oaks and pine trees in Georgia, you may find that the red berry junipers and cedar trees in Texas give you fits!

Pollen Allergy

When your immune system encounters a substance it thinks is harmful and overreacts to it, an allergy occurs. The symptoms of that immune response are an allergic reaction. 

So, what are the basic symptoms of an allergic reaction to pollen? 

  • Itchy Watery Eyes
  • Itchy Nose
  • Sneezing
  • Runny Nose
  • Rashes
  • Hives
  • Itchy mouth
  • WheezingCough

Eye Allergies and Allergic Rhinitis (nasal inflammation) are the most common allergic responses to pollen. Itchy eyes can be very painful and bothersome, and a constantly runny nose is no fun either.  If you’ve suddenly developed these symptoms after relocating, you may very well have a pollen allergy to something in this area that didn’t exist in your previous location. 

The best way to determine this is to get tested for allergies. Allergy skin testing is the most accurate diagnostic test to determine a patient’s specific allergy profile. Testing is done in the office and results are available during the same appointment.

Allergy skin testing is available for airborne allergens (pollens, molds, dust and animal dander) and food allergies

*Blood testing is available for Venoms (fire ant, wasp, honey bee, yellow jacket, yellow- and white-faced hornets) and Penicillin

 Contact our office to schedule an appointment. The sooner you get your allergies under control, the better you’ll feel! 

Medical Center: 8285 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 | Lincoln Heights: 999 E Basse Rd #118 San Antonio, TX 78209