ICYMI: Pollen seasons are lasting longer and becoming more potent each year. One phenomenon that contributes to higher pollen counts is a cold front.

According to the Texas A&M Forest Service, “


“The conditions following a cold front are ideal for pollen dispersal: the air dries out, there’s a good amount of wind, and the air pressure lowers, allowing warm, thinner air to rise and carry the pollen further.”

Check out the graphic below too from them that explains various levels of Mountain Cedar pollen and how that changes throughout the winter as well.

Read more about Texas Spring Allergies here and contact Dr. Hallett for Allergy Drops, Shots, and more!

Medical Center: 8285 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 | Lincoln Heights: 999 E Basse Rd #118 San Antonio, TX 78209