Category: Allergies

Allergies and Asthma in Children

kid blowing his nose to indicate allergy symptoms

Understanding Allergies and Asthma in Infants and Toddlers Allergies and asthma are common conditions that can significantly impact the health […]

Sleep and Allergies

Allergies and Sleep: How to Get Better Rest Despite Allergens\ By: Kaelyn Lacefield Struggling to get a good night’s sleep […]

Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month

Children and Food Allergies

By: Kaelyn Lacefield May is allergy and asthma awareness month! Its essential to highlight the significance of of this month and what […]

Spring Allergies in Texas

Spring is officially here, and that means no more cold and dry weather! There are so many exciting things that […]

Traveling with Allergies

by: Kaelyn Lacefield Unlocking the Skies: A Comprehensive Guide to Air Travel with Allergies As the spring and summer months […]

Best Air Purifiers

by: Kaelyn Lacefield In today’s world, indoor air pollution has become a concerning issue, often reaching levels that would raise […]

What is anaphylaxis?

Anaphylaxis: Understanding a Potentially Life-Threatening Allergic Reaction Anaphylaxis, a severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction, can strike within moments of […]

Children and Food Allergies

By: Kaelyn Lacefield Food allergies are quite prevalent among children, with various foods capable of triggering adverse reactions. Be vigilant […]

Winter Tree Pollens

Winter Tree Pollens

Winter Allergy Alert: Texas Tree Pollens to Watch Out for in February Winter allergies are reaching their highest point in […]