Author: Julie Norman

Seasonal Allergies in Kids: 5 Signs

Seasonal allergies in kids Kids and Allergies

Seasonal allergies can affect a person of any age, though most people do develop them by age 20. In children […]

Allergy-Friendly Valentine’s Ideas

As we creep closer to another heart-filled Cupid day, we thought we’d share some ideas for allergy-friendly Valentine’s ideas. Whether […]

How to Fight Cedar Fever

Cedar Fever

What causes Cedar Fever? In Central Texas the Mountain Cedar tree’s brownish-orange pollen is to blame for cedar fever. Often […]

Asthma in Winter

If you suddenly feel like your asthma has gotten worse as the months have gotten colder, you’re not wrong! Asthma […]

How to Manage Indoor Allergies

how to manage indoor allergies

When we talk about allergies, most people immediately think of outdoor pollens. Mountain Cedar, Ragweed, Elm, and all the other […]

The Teal Pumpkin Project

The Teal Pumpkin Project

One of the most anticipated nights each year for kids is Halloween. What fun it is to dress up as […]